Volunteers working with children, vulnerable adults and as Ushers CANNOT serve if you are not Safe Environment cleared.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic Church follows the Diocese of Dallas Safe Environment Protocol. This program is designed to protect the youth, elderly, and vulnerable adults of our parish who participate in activities within our community.
God entrusts us with the spiritual, emotional, and physical well being of minors and vulnerable adults. As they participate in activities within or sponsored by our Parish or Diocese, it is our responsibility to provide an environment that is safe and nurturing.
The Diocese of Dallas Safe Environment program has been adopted to:
Provide a safe and secure environment for the minors and vulnerable adults in our faith community.
Reduce the possibility of false accusations against clergy, employees, and volunteers.
Provide a structure for evaluating a person's suitability to work with minors or vulnerable adults.
Provide a system to respond to the victim and his/her family as well as the accused.
Search for for your information by entering your name and address used when you first completed your safe environment screening. DO NOT create another profile, since this causes duplication of files.
You will be asked to provide 3 references along with their email addresses. You cannot use relatives, only acquaintances and co-workers.
Next, click on the follwing link: Safe Environment Training Class